Near Decatur, Texas

Near Decatur, Texas
Early morning cattle (& sheep) drive - YEE HAW!!!

Thanks to Nancy & Greg (Mike's sister & brother-in-law)! We stayed over at their Texas ranch and got to "help" with the moving of cattle and sheep. So fun to watch the cowboys and cow dogs work the herds! Never gets old.

Cowboys and cowgirl ready for the work. That's Nancy & Greg is in the white shirt. Sunrise in the distance. So beautiful.
Greg's Valentine's gift to Nancy last year. LOVE it!!!
Mike & Dexter driving the mineral rig. Mike honks the horn and the cattle come running.
Sorting the herd(s). Sheep from cattle and calves from their moms. Dusty work.
I LOVE cow faces!!!
Can't forget to show off the sheep!
Pucker up, Baby!
Mike & Nancy!
hmmm... must be in Texas! :)