Quick trip through Dexter...

Quick trip through Dexter...
Two "Dexters" in Dexter, New Mexico.

While driving to Roswell, I noticed a town named "Dexter" on the map - yes, we still use paper maps; :P we also use Google maps. :) Any hoo, I really wanted to go! I've been to Dexter Iowa and wanted to add Dexter New Mexico to my list of "places been". Dexter is a small farming community south of Roswell about 16 miles. Mike and I were kind of surprised at the flat farm lands in the area after having been in the mountainous deserts thus far! We saw a number of pretty large dairy operations. Mike observed that New Mexicans must drink milk too! 😄

Dad was an avid horse race fan. He probably knew of Mike Smith - may have even known him. Any hoo, I think he would have liked this picture.