Taos - Supporting the "Land of Enchantment" claim to New Mexico fame!

Taos - Supporting the "Land of Enchantment" claim to New Mexico fame!
Art is everywhere in Taos!

WE LOVE TAOS!!! Not only is Taos very interesting and fun as a town, but what makes Taos even better are Mary Lane & Doug Leslie. Mike has been friends with these people for more than 20 years. I was lucky enough to be introduced to Doug & Mary Lane a couple of years ago - right after Mike and I found each other - and I am so grateful to get to know them! They live on the Mesa surrounded by mountains and it's beautiful to say the least. Doug mostly built their adobe home on the Mesa. They seem to love to have visitors and are the MOST hospitable hosts! We got to stay for a week and it was bliss.

Mike & Dexter relaxing at Doug & Mary Lane's beautiful home.
One of their dogs - Easy is his name - relaxing on the veranda.
Their cat Redford - named such since he is a ginger. lol
Doug & me (with Dexter Dog). You can see the beautiful landscape visible from all sides of their home in the background.