Welcome to Arizona!

We said "goodbye" to New Mexico (for now). We will be stopping in Taos on our way back to Nebraska in a few weeks. Any hoo, we decided to spend a couple days and 1 night in Tombstone - WOW! We knew it was very touristy going in, but we both had such a great time! Mike and I both thought the highlights of Tombstone were as follows: 1) The Birdcage Theater, 2) Our "boon docking" experience at the Shootout Arena, and 3) SURPRISE - some of you already know about this, but Willie Nelson at Big Nose Kate's Saloon!

The Birdcage Theater - what a load of history! First of all, Tombstone does a fantastic job with characters on the streets and in the various venues with costuming and making the tourist feel like they stepped back in time. The Birdcage is one of two buildings that survived the fire of 1882. The cowboy who gave the opening "talk" was great! Then we were able to wander around the building and take photos. Everything in the building is original (amazing) like the floors and walls and "cribs". It is said to be one of the most haunted places in America. The cowboy guide told us of 16 gun fights that happened in the building and showed us some of the over 140 bullet holes still in the structure and 26 people lost their lives as a result. The Old West lived up to its name; " The Wild West"! I have wanted to visit Tombstone for a long time and especially the Birdcage. I think we may go back someday.

Second favorite thing about our trip to Tombstone was where we stayed! Not much to look at, but boon docking is fun and this time was beautifully quiet with the BEST show we saw while in town - the SUNSET! There were several choices for RV stays that were packed and in town. Mike made a superb call when he decided we would stay at the Shootout Arena! Hardly anyone there, quiet and I'll now share the sunset we watched until it was dark. The only thing we missed were the stars. A storm was moving in and it was very cloudy once it got dark. Pay attention to the dark "hole in the sky" pic - it figures in. 😄

Well, we had been eating cold-cut sandwiches for a couple days and decided to get some hot food at Big Nose Kate's Saloon and restaurant on a fun Saturday night. The building dates to the early 1880's and was once a hotel. Big Nose Kate was Doc Holiday's girlfriend in real life and a lady of some questionable repute. wink ;). The saloon features singers and bands and have quite the array of signed photos on the walls - Willie being one. Note: today, as we took one more lap around town, there is quite a bit of evidence of him being in Tombstone as I saw several stores with his signed photo. Any hoo, we were eating and enjoying the cowboy singing. We noticed a "film crew" coming in the door, but the place was packed and with all the cool happenings we witnessed that day, I didn't think too much about it. The singer was packing up his gear and the next band was setting up. Next thing I know, Mike shouts, "That's Willie Nelson - GO!". He was up at the stage and I imagine he had been talking to the singing cowboy, but I didn't catch all that. I ran up and told him I was a fan. Mike was right behind me with the camera. Willie put his arm around me for the pic and said, " I saw you come in. That's a pretty necklace". I was starstruck for sure and it took both of us a couple hours to "get over it". Last thing we expected! You just never know who you might run into.

Here are just a few random photos from our quick trip in Tombstone. C'ya on the road. Julie